Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan posted a photo on his Twitter today, uncovering his look as the 'young Mahaveer' in his next motion picture, Nitesh Tiwari's Dangal. Captioned '2 days to go before I shoot for young Mahaveer.... @avigowariker', the photo demonstrates Aamir with beefed up, bulging biceps looking to a great degree youthful and fit.
Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan posted a photo on his Twitter today, uncovering his look as the 'young Mahaveer' in his next motion picture, Nitesh Tiwari's Dangal. Captioned '2 days to go before I shoot for young Mahaveer.... @avigowariker', the photo demonstrates Aamir with beefed up, bulging biceps looking to a great degree youthful and fit. This dark sports vest with dumbbells close by, complete with a week-old stubble look is totally drool worthy.
Aamir has effectively completed the first schedule of Dangal in which he played the more established adaptation of his character, Mahaveer Singh Phogat, a wrestling mentor, who had prepared his two girls Babita Kumari and Geeta Phogat. Geeta turned into the main Indian female wrestler to win gold in the 55kg free-form class while Babita won a silver in the 51kg free-form classification, at the 2010 Commonwealth Games.
Aamir, who has constantly astonished us with his radical changes in motion pictures, has gives us wellness objectives with this photo, and we can hardly wait for the film to release on December 23.
2 days to go before I shoot for young Mahaveer.... @avigowariker— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 13, 2016