You will love Mark Zukerberg for this new feature introduced by Facebook for stopping the most creepy behavior happening on the website.

You will love Mark Zukerberg for this new feature introduced by Facebook for stopping the most creepy behavior happening on the website. With this new feature, people who impersonate others by using profile picture and name would be caught. After that, Facebook will attempt to shut it down.
Site wouldn’t allow non-consensual images
New features are also being introduced by Facebook for stopping people to share non-consensual images of themselves or others online. The main intention is helping stop abuse by giving a right to people to report these inappropriate images that contain themselves. Then, those pictures would be removed and links to resources would be offered to people if they are being harassed or abused.
People would receive notifications
For instance, if a fake profile is copying another user’s name or profile picture, an automated alert will be sent to the person who Facebook thinks is genuine. A notification would be sent to a person that Facebook believes is being trolled. Then, the user would confirm whether they are being impersonated genuinely or if there is some mistake on the site.If the user gives a confirmation of being abused, then the complaint would be reviewed and that account would be taken down.
Reports say that the tool has already reached 70 percent of the Facebook accounts. If this feature hasn't reached you then sit back & relax, it'll reach to you soon.