Everyone must learn these easy tricks to get better twitter search results in no time. Simple tips for powerful twitter search.
Sometimes you want to search a particular link, picture or video by a particular user may be but you end up without finding desired search results. Read this post to improve your twitter search results by using simple tricks.
1. Understanding Twitter Search Results
Twitter Search Results are divided into two parts, in upper part you see a series of buttons like Top, Live, Accounts, Photos, Videos And More options, in lower section you see the results based on the algorithm selected in upper part.
What are Top tweets? In Twitter's words, "We've built an algorithm that finds the tweets that have caught the attention of other users. Top Tweets will refresh automatically and are surfaced for popularly retweeted subjects based on this algorithm. We do not hand-select Top Tweets."
For this reason, if you're looking for an at-a-glance look at a topic, Top Tweets is the way to go. If you're carrying out a more stringent search, be sure to click "Live"
2. Location Based Search
You can look for tweets that come from or are near to a certain location or city.
Type near:CityName within:5mi to return tweets sent within five miles of the "CityName" City, as in above example results are shown for Karnal City.
3. Search For Tweets With Links
If you want to see only those tweets which contain links, add "filter:links" to your search phrase.
4. Positive, Negative or Questions Tweets
If you want to look up results based on a sentiment, simply add :) or :( to your search. Similarly, you can look for tweets containing a question by adding a question mark to your search query.
5. Search Tweets From A Certain User
If you want to search tweets by a certain user just add from:username with your search phrase.
6. Search Twitter Up To/From a Date
Simply add since:yyyy-mm-dd, until:yyyy-mm-dd or you can use both of them together with your search phrase.
7. Save Twitter Searches
You can save up to 25 searches on Twitter, click save search as shown in screenshot above.
8. Other Useful Operators:
to:ywfyouthvoice -filter:links
Tweets sent to @ywfyouthvoice but not containing any links.
humanity list:iamyudhvir/msg-supporters
Search for "humanity" in tweets by the users present in "msg-supporters" list created by iamyudhvir.
youtube.com min_faves:50
Tweets containing YouTube videos that are favorited by at least 50 users.
earthquake min_retweets:100
Tweets containing humanity that have been retweeted at least 100 times.
#humanity lang:en
Tweets containing humanity sent in particular language (en = English)
YouTube good OR amazing OR awesome filter:links
Tweets containing YouTube videos that are described as awesome or amazing
#Humanity filter:images
Show tweets for a particular hashtag but containing images.
Humanity filter:news
Show only tweets that mention a keyword and contain links to news websites.
from:iamyudhvir to:iquillwarrior -RT
Tweets from user @iamyudhvir mentioning user @iquillwarrior but exclude retweets.
family pics filter:safe
Filter tweets containing adult or potentially sensitive content
humanity filter:media
Show tornado tweets containing images or videos
humanity filter:native_video
Show tweets that contain native video (uploaded inside tweet)
9. Use Twitter's Advanced Search
Finally, if you don't think you'll remember all the search operators, there's an easy solution, you can simply use twitter's advance search where many of the operators are already present (but not all operators).
In upper part of search results, click more options and choose advanced search to open Twitter's Advanced Search. You can also bookmark this page.
If you know any other cool operators, feel free to share with us in the comment section below.