Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan became the King of Twitter in no time, using social media for social cause, helping farmers, guiding Indian youth, this man is a Super-Human.
Few months back we wrote about the way in which a Saint is using twitter for a social cause. Many people doubted whether the idea behind this will work or not, can twitter be used to solve problems that Indian Kisans are facing? to solve marriage issues? to inspire Youth to do humanitarian works? to show right path to businessmen? to give weekly Ayurveda knowledge? To connect millions to spirituality? All this sounds impossible but as they this Rockstar Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan can do anything, he's known as Super-Human for a reason.
Dera Sacha Sauda - the largest spiritual organization is known worldwide for its humanitarian services, most people think this organization mainly consists of economically poor volunteers which is true to some extent. There are about 5.7 crores DSS followers out of which more than 2 crores may be considered economically backward, millions of north Indian farmers are connected to DSS and does healthy organic farming. When Saint Ram Rahim came on twitter, about 2 years back, people thought there is no place for a Saint on twitter, like what he can do on twitter? Satsang may be? Many made fun of this concept because "Social Media For A Social Cause - A Saint In Cyber World" seems too good to be true.
But guess what Saint Ram Rahim became popular twitter celeb in no time, lakhs of people are on twitter now just for him, every hashtag he uses becomes a trend in a minute. Few weeks back Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim decided to tweet for different sections of society like farmers, youth etc on different days, he also posted the schedule on twitter:
Everyday he tweets for benefit of millions, his fans keep waiting for his tweets on their special day of week. Some of his recent tweets:
He also posts same tweet in Hindi too, specially when it comes to farmers who find English a bit difficult to understand.
It's because of him that thousands of North Indian Kisan knows how to use internet for their benefit.
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Dera Sacha Sauda - the largest spiritual organization is known worldwide for its humanitarian services, most people think this organization mainly consists of economically poor volunteers which is true to some extent. There are about 5.7 crores DSS followers out of which more than 2 crores may be considered economically backward, millions of north Indian farmers are connected to DSS and does healthy organic farming. When Saint Ram Rahim came on twitter, about 2 years back, people thought there is no place for a Saint on twitter, like what he can do on twitter? Satsang may be? Many made fun of this concept because "Social Media For A Social Cause - A Saint In Cyber World" seems too good to be true.
But guess what Saint Ram Rahim became popular twitter celeb in no time, lakhs of people are on twitter now just for him, every hashtag he uses becomes a trend in a minute. Few weeks back Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim decided to tweet for different sections of society like farmers, youth etc on different days, he also posted the schedule on twitter:
#MSGsays2Farmers God bless you all— Dr.GURMEET RAM RAHIM (@Gurmeetramrahim) July 4, 2016
Everyday he tweets for benefit of millions, his fans keep waiting for his tweets on their special day of week. Some of his recent tweets:
#MSG4YourHealth As U wake up in d morning, have 1-2 glasses of water before rinsing ur mouth. It’s great 4 ur health— Dr.GURMEET RAM RAHIM (@Gurmeetramrahim) July 8, 2016
#MSGsaysHardwork Farmers must meditate on God's words before planting & harvesting the crops and do hard work.— Dr.GURMEET RAM RAHIM (@Gurmeetramrahim) July 11, 2016
Stop being jealous of other’s success rather work hard & get ur goal; pray for everyone. #MSGsaysLeaveJealousy— Dr.GURMEET RAM RAHIM (@Gurmeetramrahim) July 27, 2016
He also posts same tweet in Hindi too, specially when it comes to farmers who find English a bit difficult to understand.
#MSGsaysHardwork किसान को चाहिए कि खेतों में बुआई,कटाई,बीजाई करने से पहले भग्वान को याद करे व कड़ी मेहनत करे— Dr.GURMEET RAM RAHIM (@Gurmeetramrahim) July 11, 2016
#MSGsaysGoOrganic कीटनाशकों से मिट्टी, पानी व् वायु दूषित होते हैं । पर्यावरण अनुकूलित जैविक खाद का इस्तेमाल करें I— Dr.GURMEET RAM RAHIM (@Gurmeetramrahim) July 18, 2016
It's because of him that thousands of North Indian Kisan knows how to use internet for their benefit.
3 Million Followers - Saint Dr MSG Insan Storms Twitter
Recently the official twitter handle of Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim i.e @GurmeetRamRahim crossed the mark of 3M followers. You may be thinking what's so special about his 2M followers? many celebs have far more followers than this but let me tell you guys these 2M followers are very special because unlike other celebs these followers are not robots or fake, they are real people. Analytics show the highest ratio of real followers of a twitter account with 3M+ followers. This is the reason why his tweets on an average receives 21K RTs n 22K likes, which is highest as compared to any other celeb.KING of Twitter
As we already told this man can set trend in seconds, he has got the highest average no. of Retweets and favorites. In real Dera Sacha Sauda has about 5.7crores volunteers, out of which there are about only 10 lakh on twitter right now, sure the number on twitter is increasing day by day, it's quite clear that Dr. MSG will break all social media records in coming days. When we talk about the fandom, Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan aka Dr MSG‘s Fanclub is one that never ceases to amaze us with their unswerving craze for their beloved rockstar. From making world record for largest movie poster to world record of largest attendance at a film premiere, Dr MSG’s Fanclub has proved it’s gusto many times in the past, and now this huge fandom has got Dr MSG christened as ” The Most Loved Indian.” In a recent e-poll carried out by MyVoteToday, 49 year old, Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan has bagged the title of The Most Loved Indian beating celebrated veterans like Shah Rukh Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, MS Dhoni and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.Also check:
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