Basic introduction to paint and paint industries: definition, uses, constituents, classification, manufacturing etc.

What is paint?
Paint can be defined as a coloured substance which is spread over a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective coating.
Paint is any liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition that, after application to a substrate in a thin layer, converts to a solid film.
Further Introduction:
Paints are stable mechanical mixtures of one or more pigments which impart desired colour and to protect the film from penetrating radiation, such U. V. rays. The pigments and the extenders are carried or suspended in drying oils called vehicle. Which is a film forming material, to which other ingredients are added in varying amount e .g. linseed oil, tung oil, castor oil, tall oil etc. Boiled Linseed oil is prefered to unboil oil because it develops a good drying power and requires only two days for drying. The drying time is reduced further by adding driers to the paint. Driers act to promote the process of film formation and hardening. Thinners maintain the uniformity of the film through a reduction in the viscosity of the blend.
The purpose of paint may be protective or decorative or both and can be applied on a metal or wood surface. It is applied by brushing, dipping, spraying, or roller coating.
Constituents of paint:
1. Pigment
2. Solvent
3. Resin (Binder)
4. Extender
5. Additives : dispersants, silicones, thixotropic agents, driers, anti-settling agents, bactericides, fungicides, algaecides etc
Click Here To Read About Constituents Of Paints In Detail
Paint Manufacturing In Industries:
Figure above shows simple block diagram for paint manufacturing in industries.
Classification Of Paints:
A. Based On Solvent:
1. Water Based
2. Oil-Based or Solvent-Based or Alkyd Paints
B. Based On Their Applications:
Exterior house paints, Interior wall paints, Marine paints, Emulsion paints, Chemical resistant paints, Fire resistant paints, Luminous paints, Latex paints, Aluminum paints, Metal paints etc